Your Assistant Bookkeeping LLC

KICK START your Bookkeeping

April 3, 2020

Are you planning to catch up your bookkeeping and accounting for the current year or even for prior years?   Put messy or non-existent bookkeeping in your rear view mirror. 

If you are months into the current year and have not started your bookkeeping and accounting, let us help you kick start your bookkeeping. Once you get going, the momentum will be easier for you to keep on keeping on! 

Knowing where to start and how to prioritize the over abundance of information and transactions that have already occurred this year can be overwhelming.  Even if you know what to do you may just not have the time or energy to dive into actually doing it. 

We can help.  We are very familiar with catching up books for multiple years of uncaptured transactions and business events. We know what you need to do and what resources you need to have.  

Schedule a strategy session today to get your road map of what we need to do to get this project started.  We can work  with you on the first month (or two) of transactions, to get you going and help you overcome any roadblocks. You will be able to coast into completing the remainder of the year.  That is our  KICK START.   It is always an option to have us do it all for you. We will get you caught up and headed into the rest of the year without unfinished bookkeeping hanging over your head.

Please email us at   or go to our website to submit a contact form to request a strategy session and/or a get acquainted phone call.  

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